Verónica Soria


  • Training

    Degree in Economics for the Carlos III University of Madrid (2001).

    Member of the Illustrious College of Economist of Madrid (2014).

  • Experience

    She joined the Accounting and Tax Compliance Department of “ Avantges Outsourcing” ( 4|5|3 Law Firm Affiliate Companya) in October 2019. Previously, she worked in the Financial Departments of “Value Consultores S.L”, “Tramapesa S.A” as well as “Ciclo Consultores S.L”

  • Specialization

    Accounting, Financial and Taxes assistant.

  • Additional Information

    She has collaborated as Senior Consultant in different projects in multinational environments (BT Ignite y Mc Donald’s España).
    Payroll and social insurance knowledge.

  • Languages


  • Contact

    T. +34 91 564 46 00 /+34 93 495 04 74
    F. +34 93 238 88 81