Family Business

Our Family Business practice covers multidisciplinary services provided by a highly skilled professional team widely experienced in a variety of disciplines which have an impact on a family business such as tax, corporate, labor, civil law and dispute resolution.

Our team understands the unique challenges and opportunities a family business brings, and offers proactive tailor-made legal solutions which shape the long-term future of their business and their families.

We provide specialized advice in:

Succession Planning & Family Protocols +-

We are particularly experienced in succession planning. We support our clients by providing a tailor-made design of the family succession strategy through family protocols or family shareholders agreements.

Tax planning +-

We advise on the more effective tax scheme to get or maintain the current tax incentives, as well as the tax consequences of the concrete family succession strategy adopted and suggesting other options.

Dispute prevention +-

We assist and help with family governance structures such as the family council or the regular family meeting. We as well advice on financial schemes to avoid or minimize family members disputes like regular and compulsory dividends policy, own shares operations structures, among others.

Relationships with “newcomers” +-

We advise with prenuptial agreements or division of wealth as a consequence of a divorce or a sudden decease.


New challenges +-

We provide legal advice on internationalization and professionalization of the family business as well as processes of sale and purchase of a part or the totally family business.

Human capital policies +-

We assist to the governance structure on the integration of new generations or the definition and execution of compensation systems and incentive policies.