Commitment towards society and environment, a priority for us.

4|5|3 Law Firm has –ever since the firm was founded- committed to the community in which we live and work. Social responsibility is something we take very seriously: it is an integral part of our firm’s life.

Pro Bono Legal Services +-

For this reason, our firm strongly encourages our lawyers to devote time to pro bono legal work, and the full resources of the firm are available to serve pro bono clients. For those clients who cannot afford legal counsel, we maintain –thanks to the collaboration of several members of our firm – a broad and meaningful pro bono practice. In addition, our lawyers also donate their time and effort to an array of local nonprofit organizations.



The Environment +-

Our firm is also committed to understanding our environmental impact and reducing it and, to that end, we have adopted practices that protect not only the environment, but also our employees and the local communities in which we’re based. Considering environmental commitment as a business value involving challenges and opportunities for any organisation seeking

to be competitive according to the paradigm of sustainable development and social-environmental responsibility (CSR/ESR), our firm seeks to minimise the impact of its activities in close cooperation with its clients and suppliers through the implementation of different environment-sensitive programmes and initiatives.

Financing of NGO Projects +-

Almost since the firm was founded, resources have been allocated every year to the financing of different NGO projects with which it has a close relationship as a cooperating company at different levels.