Marc Lozano


  • Training

    Bachelor of Laws, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (1999)INEDE Institute; Private Law School (1999)
    Master’s Degree in Company Law (ISDE-2000).
    Belongs to Barcelona BAR Association since 2001.

  • Experience

    Joined 4|5|3 Law Firm in September, 2001 (Partner since 2008). He previously practiced at KPMG Abogados, Yúfera Advocats, and Fabregas & Oriola Advocats.

  • Specialization

    Experience in Corporate Law and Data Protection, IT and E-Commerce Areas.

  • Additional Information

    Secretary of the board of directors for several companies.
    Regular speaker at seminars and conferences regarding Data Protection.
    Coordinator-tutor for ISDE Master’s Degree students.

  • Languages




  • Contact

    T. +34 93 238 88 88
    F. +34 93 238 88 81